From the course: Producing Professional Audio and Video Podcasts

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Tracking your podcast feed

Tracking your podcast feed

- There are many different ways to track how your podcast is doing, and it's going to depend on several factors. First up, I strongly recommend the use of FeedBurner. FeedBurner is going to optimize that feed and give you better tracking over how the individual items are doing. It could track the enclosures, which are the individual episodes and help generate a report. You're also going to want to look towards your podcast host. This could look across how many files are being pulled off of their servers and help you better understand what's going on with your show or its content. This is a great way to track, and one of the more reliable ones. Then if you'd like to know how you're doing on individual platforms, some of them will provide data. Obviously it's not a podcast, but YouTube exposes its metrics pretty heavily if you're using it as an alternate distribution point. But even Apple now does give you a better…
