From the course: Programming Foundations: Secure Coding

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Break what you build

Break what you build

- As developers, our general strength lies in building systems. A huge part of the problem in secure coding is that we are builders. So we need to change our mindset a little in order to truly be effective as a secure coder. Developers interested in proving their security footprint need to develop the skill of breaking code. Now I'm not going to argue that you should be an expert penetration tester, but there is real value in learning the basics of attacking systems. Now some developers may want to go deep and learn how to write exploit attacks. And while this can be an amazing skill, it's over the top of what you really need to do in my opinion. The fact is that there are several really great tools on the market that allow you to attack your code without a lot of extended learning. The value of using these tools is that you can start looking at actual exploits in your code. By breaking your code, you can gain many…
