From the course: Programming Foundations: Secure Coding

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Embrace security in development

Embrace security in development

- Obviously, there was a large focus in this course on the development side of secure coding. But I want to emphasize a little about how you can leverage this knowledge to positively impact your culture. First and foremost in my mind is education. If you have seen any of my other courses or heard me speak, you should get a feeling that I am all in on education. This course may be the start for you in secure coding and security in general, but please don't make it the last. You have to start living this stuff at least a little in order to really grasp the full reality of it. Follow blogs and Twitter because that is how you will hear of the new attacks you may need to react to. If you hear of a vulnerability the day it is announced and the component you use, you will have the information to fix the issue before it becomes one for you, assuming of course you weren't hit before the announcement. You also need to test…
