From the course: Project Management Mediation: Conflict Resolution for PMs

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Address the deeper issue

Address the deeper issue

- Have you ever argued with someone because something else was bothering you, or maybe you've had a bad day for one reason and it's seeped into other parts of your life? Conflict isn't always about what's being said during an argument. Actually, it's not uncommon for a conflict to be the result of an unexpressed feeling or thought. In this lesson, I'll share three tips for digging into the cause of discontent instead of focusing on the symptom of the conflict. This will help improve how you work with people during conflict. My first tip is to lead with curiosity by looking around and asking some questions. This involves evaluating the actors in the conflict and the stage this is taking place on. What is this person's function in the organization? How does that function color the way they look at the work the team does? Knowing the lens someone looks at their world with is the first step to practicing empathy and seeing their side of the conflict. Even if their side of it is wrong…
