From the course: Project Management Mediation: Conflict Resolution for PMs

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De-escalate emotional situations

De-escalate emotional situations

- Do you remember being a kid and someone giving you the advice, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Good advice, hard to follow. Sometimes you can be caught in the heat of the moment to the point that you just say something you don't mean, or maybe even make the situation worse. The point is your words matter and your emotional state can affect your words and most relevant to this lesson, it affects the words your team uses with each other. In this lesson, you're going to learn about how to deescalate an emotional situation. This is going to give you an excellent tool to use that is vital before conflict can be resolved in a healthy way. You'll learn how to accomplish this with my three tips for deescalating conflict. My first tip is stay calm. Adding your own frustration into a conflict is never helpful. Instead, do yourself a favor and don't grow the conflict. You can try one thing that I like to use myself, such as reminding myself that the person…
