From the course: Project Management Mediation: Conflict Resolution for PMs

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Recognize healthy arguments

Recognize healthy arguments

- I've got a word for you, argument. What did you just feel? Angst and anxiety? Did you tense up a bit? There's so much emotion tied up in that one little word. What I want you to understand, though, is this word is not, by itself, negative. In fact, many arguments can be done in a healthy and effective way, and that should be your goal as a resolver of conflict and as a leader of people. You may not believe it, but conflict is a sign of high-performing teams and is actually incredibly healthy because a healthy team does conflict right. Healthy teams have psychological safety, clarity of purpose, and can withstand conflicting opinions and the discussions that come from them. In this lesson, you'll gain insight into recognizing healthy arguments and how to differentiate between productive and destructive conflict. The first key distinction between healthy and unhealthy arguments, is it specific, or is it personal? A healthy argument is a specific argument. It deals in facts and…
