From the course: Promoting Your Podcast

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Social media best practices

Social media best practices

- [Narrator] Social media is a hot button issue in our society no matter where you land on most issues. We hate to love it and love to hate it. But when trying to grow an audience for your podcast, it is a necessary tool that you will have to use. Let's take a look at some of the best practices for ongoing social media promotion of your podcast. Social media is noisy and it's very easy to get drowned out by all the other people in your space, your industry, or your category. If you follow some simple best practices though, you can stand out in a crowd. First off, be consistent. Just like with your podcast content, consistency is key because the people who follow you are looking for some type of relationship with you and your content. Pick a schedule and stick to it. Secondly, learn about your customer's behaviors on the platform you are using. First, learn how the platform you're using works and how they track data,…
