From the course: Protecting Your Network with Open-Source Software

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Host firewalls

Host firewalls

- [Instructor] Host firewalls are standalone firewalls that only protect a single host. Firewalls can be categorized according to the scope of what they protect. The first type is host firewalls, and the other is network firewalls. Our focus in this lesson is host firewalls. Host firewalls monitor activities occurring on network interfaces on a single host. They decide whether to accept or reject packets for a single host. Major operating systems come with their own built-in host firewalls. Let's first take a look at one provided by Windows. In this case, we'll look at the Windows 11 host firewall. To get to the Windows 11 host firewall, choose settings by typing settings in the search box. Click on open, and then select privacy and security. Choose Windows Security. Now you can see firewall and network protection here. Click on it, and here it is. The default configuration of a Windows firewall is to drop all the incoming or ingress packets and to accept all the outgoing or egress…
