From the course: Protecting Your Network with Open-Source Software
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From the course: Protecting Your Network with Open-Source Software
- [Instructor] Nessus comes with all the standard network vulnerability assessment tool features. One of the most critical features is "vulnerability scanning with real-time updates" because new vulnerabilities show up all the time. Other features include "malware detection, web application scanning, mobile device detection, scan scheduling, email notifications, and configuration and compliance checks." Previously, we looked at the National Vulnerability Database, or NVD, by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST. NVD is a vulnerability repository that includes common vulnerability and exposure, or CVE. CVE is a standard way of specifying security vulnerabilities widely accepted by industry professionals and researchers in the cybersecurity field. Therefore, it makes sense for Nessus to adopt the standard, like CVE, to track network vulnerabilities. You can download Nessus on this website.
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What is an IDS?3m 36s
Introducing Snort3m 25s
Snort as a packet sniffer4m 13s
Snort as an IDS: Establishing rules4m 34s
Snort as an IDS: Detecting pings2m 36s
What is a network vulnerability assessment?3m 12s
Nessus1m 23s
Network scanning with Nessus2m 30s