From the course: Public Speaking for Non-Native English Speakers

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Defeating accent bias: Part 1

Defeating accent bias: Part 1

- These next two lessons focus on how to defeat accent bias in the workplace. The first strategy comes from Harvard Business School professor Laura Huang whose research suggests that unconscious bias against people with foreign accents goes deeper than just accent bias. She found that people with foreign accented speech were perceived to be less influential, less likely to be team players, less innovative, and therefore less qualified for promotions to upper management. Her theories are well supported by other researchers who show that non-native accented speakers of English are well aware of these negative stereotypes associated with non-native accents and these perceptions can cause non-native speakers to feel at risk of confirming those negative stereotypes about their identity when interacting with native speakers. In social psychology, this is called stereotype threat but Professor Huang's research suggests some…
