From the course: Public Speaking for Non-Native English Speakers

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How to sound spontaneous (even while reading)

How to sound spontaneous (even while reading)

From the course: Public Speaking for Non-Native English Speakers

How to sound spontaneous (even while reading)

- How do you sound spontaneous, even when you're reading? This is by far my most favorite method to teach because it's life changing. Once you learn how to sound more spontaneous while you're reading, it frees you up to make immediate connections with the audience. You'll feel more confident, you'll sound more influential and unrehearsed. Now here's how it works. Okay. By now, you've prepared your text, you've scored it, giving all the marks for focus words thought groups, inflections, as well as spelling for tricky words that are difficult for you to pronounce. Here's how to make it sound spontaneous, and it's completely opposite to what you've been taught about what confidence speech sounds like. Spontaneous speech is not as fluid as scripted speech. We start and stop. We repeat things. We have more pauses. So the goal here is to sound just a little less fluid by using three main strategies.…
