From the course: Public Speaking Foundations

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Explore five strong openings

Explore five strong openings

- How can you use your words to grab the attention of your audience right away? Let's explore five techniques that exploit the power of what's called the cold open. In the cold open, you simply begin by beginning. There's no hemming, no hawing. You don't start by saying welcome or thank you, or any of those trite, polite platitudes that almost guarantee you'll lose your audience in seconds. So, what do you do instead? Let's take a look at those five cold opening techniques. Number one, I often like to start with a presentation by asking an open-ended question. Just a few moments ago, for example, I started with, how can you use your words to grab the attention of your audience right away? This question creates something of a mini mystery. It opens a knowledge gap and makes the audience wonder about how you'll close it. Second, you can effectively start a presentation with a story that illustrates a key point of your…
