From the course: Recognizing and Seizing Opportunity at Work

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Do a skills inventory

Do a skills inventory

- We all have a unique basket of skills and strengths and we all have room to get better at certain things. When you want to find and seize opportunities, you should get clear on your personal basket. That way you know what you'll be able to take on easily and where you might have some gaps you'll want to plug in. So do a skills inventory to help you identify what assets you already have and what you'll need to build. You can approach this in two directions, inside out and outside in. First, inside out. These come from you. Think about the times in your career and in your life when you accomplished things you were most proud of. Think about three to five stories that showcase these. You can write them down if it's helpful. Now, ask yourself what skills you used that allowed you to excel? Write these down. What skills would've helped you do even better? Write those down too. Next, do this outside in. Think about the…
