From the course: Remote Work Foundations

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Succeeding as a remote or hybrid team

Succeeding as a remote or hybrid team

From the course: Remote Work Foundations

Succeeding as a remote or hybrid team

- When you're working in an office, there are lots of clues you can just observe to figure out how your colleagues interact or how your team works. You can see if people linger over coffee to chat casually in the break room, or whether they scurry back to their desks the moment a meeting ends. You can watch. Do people pop into the boss's office when they have a quick question? Or do they schedule a formal closed door meeting? Well, when we're working remotely, it's a lot harder to figure everything out. It's harder to figure out the best way to work together, especially when you're joining a team you've never worked with before. You can't just learn the ropes by watching. You need clear expectations when you're joining a team, hiring a new team member, or even just starting to work on a new project with people who haven't worked together before. Here are three questions that can help you figure out how to communicate…
