From the course: Revit 2019: Interior Design Construction Ready Techniques

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Creating a door hardware schedule

Creating a door hardware schedule

- [Instructor] One of the final steps you need to take when filling out your door information inside of your project is giving a hardware schedule for your doors. This can be done using your schedule key, and a schedule key really is nothing but a glorified table tool inside of Revit, so you're gonna go to View, and once again, we're gonna go to Schedules and I'm gonna click on Schedules and Quantities one more time and I'm gonna scroll down to my doors, and if you'll notice, if you click on Doors, you can say Schedule keys, and you can type in, Hardware Schedule. Besides in here, remember to put it up here as well. One is the title, on the schedule itself, and the other is what it looks like over there in the Project Browser, so you want to add it to both of those. So Door Hardware Schedule, you're gonna tell it OK. Once again, you're gonna add in information that goes with your hardware schedules, and once again, if you look at our fields, these are different options that we have…
