From the course: Revit 2019: Interior Design Construction Ready Techniques

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Creating ceiling legends

Creating ceiling legends

- [Instructor] After you're satisfied with your ceiling plans and the amount of information that you'll have on them, it's now time to create the legend that needs to go onto the sheet for your ceiling plan. And even if you add to it, the way that we do this legend, it's gonna make it easy where you can add to the legend as well if you change any symbol out. So the first thing that we need to do is we need to go to View and we need to go to Legends and Schedules which is actually this button here for Legends. Just gonna click on that and we're gonna do just a plain Legend. It's then gonna bring up a dialog box. It's gonna ask you to name it and we're gonna name this what this is and this particular place, a lotta times we combine it altogether and we could just say RCP Legend, or Reflected Ceiling Point Legend. The scale actually does not matter at this point because you're using annotation symbols and text, but if you want you can also make sure that the symbol size that is in your…
