From the course: Revit 2019: Interior Design Construction Ready Techniques

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Creating coded floor finish drawings: Part 2

Creating coded floor finish drawings: Part 2 - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Revit 2019: Interior Design Construction Ready Techniques

Creating coded floor finish drawings: Part 2

- [Instructor] So, I've got this piece in here, my large plan. I now need to create my legend to go along with it. And once again, we can go back to View and we can click on Legend which is right here. And I can then call this one my Bathroom Floor Pattern Legend, something very specific. And once again, you probably want to match the scale that your legend's gonna be laid out on. And once again, I'm gonna put this in here again, but I'm gonna do a little bit of a shortcut. I'll grab these two pieces. I'm gonna do a Control+C. And let's see if it will let me paste it right in. There we go, and then also, if you wanted to maybe grab this other field region and copy this in, do a Control+C again. Come back in here, do a paste from clipboard. And get this into place, and you might have to move it around since this one came in afterwards. And if you need to, you can use your nudge tool which is your arrow. Actually, we'll move these guys because those lines are trying to stay where they…
