From the course: Revit 2019: Interior Design Construction Ready Techniques

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Creating coded floor finish drawings: Part 2

Creating coded floor finish drawings: Part 2 - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Revit 2019: Interior Design Construction Ready Techniques

Creating coded floor finish drawings: Part 2

- [Instructor] Okay, so now that you have these in there, we now want to see it in a room finish schedule. And yes, there is a room finish schedule in this template, but we don't like it. There's a little bit more information we wanna put into it. As an interior designer, a lot of times you have accent walls or other information that matters for our scheduling purposes, and for ordering purposes, so we're gonna create our own. So, I'm gonna go to view. And, I'm gonna click on schedules, which is this one right here. And, I'm gonna say Schedules and Quantities. And, I need to scroll down to rooms because that's what I'm scheduling. So, then when I get to rooms, it's gonna ask me are we doing a component, or are we doing the keys. We're doing the component. And, also it's asking me, the phase. And, because this is a renovation, we're gonna just stick to new construction. But, I could do it just based off of existing, itself, but we're gonna stick to new construction. So, we're gonna…
