From the course: Revit 2019: Interior Design Construction Ready Techniques

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Creating material takeoffs

Creating material takeoffs

- [Instructor] Declaring room finishes and then numbering your types of materials are just two ways that you can help an interior design project become successful. One of the last things that you could do for you, for you, your client and maybe even the contractor that you are working with, is do a Material Takeoff. Material Takeoffs can get a little lengthy and they can be a little complicated. But hopefully what I'm gonna show you is gonna help you out when it comes time for you to do this type of tool. So the first thing I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna go up to View, and I'm gonna click the dropdown underneath Schedules and I'm actually going to go to the third one which is Material Takeoff. From inside of here it still goes through your other categories, Casework, Columns, Doors, Entourage. Once again this is why it is entirely important that you categorize whatever it is that you are modeling in your project correctly. I'm gonna use the easiest one which is the one that we've already…
