From the course: Revit 2019: Interior Design Construction Ready Techniques

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Detailing electrical symbols

Detailing electrical symbols

- [Instructor] Not only are ceiling plans used to show lighting fixtures and other types of information for the ceiling and what it's made out of but its also used to show electrical equipment and HVAC equipment. But because it is we had to make a duplicate view of this. So we actually have a view over here in the project browser called first floor electrical so that's what I'm actually gonna go to. Once again I have to clean up this view so that it's ready to be used. So one of the first things I'm gonna make sure I do is hide the interior elevations, also hide the studio lights 'cause studio lights are gonna show up in every single view unless you actually turn them off. And anything else that I feel gets in the way of the information that I'm trying to portray so it's now nice and simple. The only other thing about an electrical drawing is we actually have to drop our cut plane very low so it shows all of the outlets as well as the switches on this particular drawing. So what we…
