From the course: Revit 2019: Interior Design Construction Ready Techniques

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Editing door schedules

Editing door schedules

- [Narrator] Like most users, Revit came with a few templates that you could use inside of your project that would help you out when it comes to starting your model. In these templates, usually are a few schedules that are already ready to go for you, and one of them is the Door Schedule. However, the Door Schedule does not always show exactly how you want it to, there's some items that are actually missing out of this information, and I can show you how to edit this to get it to show what you want. One of the first things we're going to do is, we're only going to show new doors. However, with this Project, I don't think we've put any new doors in, so if I were to go and change this to "Show New," we would have nothing here, so, for the sake of showing you how to edit this, I'm just going to keep this at "Show All." So from here, the only other issue that we have is the door type does not necessarily give the best information for what we need to show in a project. Normally, door types…
