From the course: Revit 2019: Interior Design Construction Ready Techniques

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- At the end of the day, saving time on documentation for a project is money in the bank. By using Revit for your interior design project, you've done enough to make such a concept a reality. You've been able to create annotative floor plans and elevations, succinct schedules and legends from actual model components and clear and concise documents worthy of any construction set. My recommendation at this time is to archive your model by saving a copy of it into a folder specifically marked archive on whatever device you use to store all of your project files. This model can then be used later if future renovations of the space are needed or if record documentation is requested by the client. If you're looking for more tips or want to ask me questions, please check out Bright Eyedias on LinkedIn or Facebook. If yore looking for more great components and entourage items to put in your model, BIMobject and RevitCity are two great online resources. So that's it. Have fun, and go make it…
