From the course: Revit 2019: Professional Office Interior Design

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Best practices for file maintenance

Best practices for file maintenance

- As an interior designer, you also have a responsibility of keeping up with your work verses any work that a consultant or a client may give to you. So while you are working on your project there are a few things that you want to keep in mind when you're working on your file to make sure that it's a seamless process between you and whoever you are working with. One of the few things that you want to make sure you do is make sure that both of you, or whoever is in the file, are all working in the same version of Revit. Just a reminder, once you upgrade a model to a next version, you cannot go back to a previous version. So always, always, always make sure that everyone is using the same version. It'll solve or reduce a lot of headaches later. The second thing you want to do is, and this is just a general tip when it comes to a lot of files, if you're receiving the file from a client, or a consultant, always make sure that you save a version of that file somewhere so that if you have…
