From the course: Revit 2019: Professional Office Interior Design

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Changing storefront panels

Changing storefront panels

- [Instructor] Glazing is not the only type of material that you have to use when it comes to panels inside a storefront. You can actually change them to be shown as other pieces of material, what's popular a lot of times is a metal panel or you could even leave it as something just empty and here's how you do that: You go to, and I'm still in an elevation here for my model, I'm going to go to one of my pieces and for everywhere that you have a curtain grid, that is its own new piece, so this is a piece of, at this point, glass, this is a piece of glass, this is a piece of glass and it'll change if I maybe take this piece of curtain wall out. So for instance, I'm just going to show, I'm going to actually click on this curtain grid and I'm going to save our loose segment and I'm going to do it over here actually. So now this is two pieces versus for there were three. So the way that you select this panel, so that you can change it, is you put your mouse along one of the edges or along…
