From the course: Revit 2019: Professional Office Interior Design

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Creating ceiling clouds

Creating ceiling clouds

- [Narrator] Besides putting in balcades and just regular ceilings such as tile ceilings or gypboard ceilings, you can also put in other pieces such as clouds or canopies, those are new and exciting and people like to use them in a lot of different spaces nowadays, as opposed to putting in whole systems. Those are actually pretty simple to put in as well, it's just simply you sketching out the shape and then showing it in some type of detail later on, how it's going to be installed into the ceiling. These easy way to do that, is of course, is go back to Ceiling itself. Most of these canopies or sound pieces or clouds are usually some type of grid system that's being hung, and you can get 'em in kits and place them into the ceiling. So we're going to use one of the tile-type ceilings, so I'm going to go to my two by two ACT system, but then I'm also going to go to Sketch Ceiling. And inside of here, I can put that in any way that I want, and they have just about any shape that you can…
