From the course: Revit 2019: Professional Office Interior Design

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Creating custom schedules

Creating custom schedules

- [Instructor] After you put all these great pieces of furniture and equipment and other items into your model, you want to make sure, at the end of the day, they are getting counted, or in our universe we like to say scheduled, so that they can get ordered and then placed into your project. So there are a few schedules out there that we're used to using and creating inside of Revit, but there's also other things that you can create inside of Revit as well, other schedules as well. If you'll look over in the Project Browser, you'll see that there's a few that are already inside of this project. I'm just going to show you here underneath Schedules and Quantities. However, we want to add to this. We've put some casework in. We've put some furniture pieces in. And we've put in maybe some specialty equipment as far as when it comes to refrigerators and things like that. Those are underneath specialty equipment. So the way that you show those items or at least the way that you create those…
