From the course: Revit 2019: Professional Office Interior Design

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Custom millworking

Custom millworking

- [Instructor] Most interior designers need to show some type of rendering or maybe sketch of different spaces to really sell the project to their client. One of those ways that you can do that is adding in a custom pieces of millwork into your model. This is not something that you normally model into a Revit model. But it's, it is helpful for a few reasons It shows up in your rendering and it completes the look of the room. Number two, you can then schedule it and maybe do material take off's of it. And have accurate sizes of how long of face board that you're going to be using inside of your project. So what we're going to do is, we're going to add that in. Now, because this is something that's not normally modeled inside of Revit it has to be done through modeling and modeling in place. And if you don't have that feature because you have Revit light. Unfortunately you won't be able to do it this way What you want to do first So we're going to go to architecture And we're going to…
