From the course: Revit 2019: Professional Office Interior Design

Customizing the project setup

- [Instructor] When starting out a project that you have received from either a client or maybe another consultant or office, one of the first things you want to do is set that project up for yourself. Lot of times when those projects come through, they're setup based off that other office's standards, so it may not be how you want to work in the project. So there's a few things that you want to do first so that it can be a lot easier for you to work with. One of the main things, of course, is to take a look at what the names of the views are. And I'm over here in my project browser, and one of the first things that I see here is I'm seeing duplicates of names, and I'm also seeing some names that may not be helpful for you. That's one of the first things that you want to go through is either get rid of the views that you don't need, or go back and rename them so that they work for you. So, the first thing that I see here is I see a couple of level twos. And what we want to do is we want to take a look at those. Also remember, one of those levels is going to be associated with the level line, or one of the names. So let's just take a look. We have a level two, and then we have a level two, and then we have a level two copy. And at first glance, you'll notice already that two of those have the same look to them. So, in order to keep things straight for yourself, one of the first things you want to do is make sure that you rename those, or like I said, delete any views that are unnecessary for the work that you need to do. So, if you look at your tabs up top, you'll notice that you have two colored ones, and then a, just a simple hidden line drawing. So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back here to my project browser, I'm going to do a right-click, and I'm going to say rename, and I'm going to actually call this level two, this first one, a working drawing. And that's just simply a drawing that you used for, when you're looking at something, so you're trying to put items in, you're playing around with design options, but you're not necessarily going to use this as the drawing that you use for your permits. The next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take one of my other level twos, my second level two, I'm going to actually keep it the way that it is, because the way that this level is set up, it's setup based off departments, and you may need this information when you're putting spaces in, especially if you're doing an interior-type finish for a client. So, I'm going to call this one a department view. And you'll notice, it'll give you this error, it says, do you want to rename the corresponding level and views? And nine times out of 10, when you're doing this, you want to say no, because if you don't, it'll change that name of your level line itself. And last, but not least, I now have just a plain level two drawing, and this is the one that we are going to start from when we start setting up our views.
