From the course: Revit 2019: Professional Office Interior Design

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Project level setup

Project level setup

- [Instructor] Once you get your project browser set up the way that you would like, the other thing that you want to check is make sure that the workstation is set up the way that you want as well. Usually when I'm working in a project, I like to actually split my project browser in my Properties box and put them on two different sides of the interface, simply because it gives me more space to see what's inside of the Properties box itself and what's inside the project browser, and have an idea of all the different views that I'm working with. And it also maximizes my drawing space so that I don't have anything sitting on top of the project itself. Secondly, after you do this, you then want to go in and start to look at the level lines that you have inside of your project as well. So I'm going to actually switch to an elevation view, and I already have one elevation pulled up. And I'm going to make sure I add in all the level lines that I need inside of my project. Usually, this type…
