From the course: Revit 2019: Professional Office Interior Design

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Rotating ceilings

Rotating ceilings

- [Instructor] Now that you understand what's happening with the existing ceiling that you have in your space, you now need to add to the space with what's going to be new. So the first thing I want to do is I want to go back to my Level 2 Proposed Ceiling Plan, and I now need to add these in. And there's two ways you can technically add in a ceiling so that you can work with it. And one of the tips I always say, not everything likes chipboard ceilings to have a hatch pattern on it inside of their drawings. So when you go to put it in, you can't see it. So one way to get around this is to always put in a tile ceiling first and then change its type. Then that way you know you've got the space, especially when you're doing automatic sketches. And here's what I mean by automatic sketches. You're going to go up to the Architecture ribbon and you're going to go to Ceiling. And from here, you have two options. You have Automatic Ceiling and Sketch Ceiling. Automatic Ceiling is probably the…
