From the course: Revit: Rendering

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Exporting a solar study

Exporting a solar study

- In this video we're going to look at creating a solar study. Now a solar study is simply an animation of the sun in your scene. So we can set up two kinds of solar study, a single day where you set two points in time and it will animate the sun between those two points. Or we can set up a multi-day where the time periods are spanning across two different dates. So we're going to start with a single day solar study in this interior shot and then we'll look at a multi-day in a different file. So to get started we're going to we use the little sun pop up down here. Now I should mention it if you're using Revit LT, you don't have the sun path tool and so you won't have this popup. And even though it is possible to get to the sun settings dialog in Revit LT and set up a single or a multi-day solar study, there's really no way to use those in Revit LT or to export them. So really this video is not going to apply to you.…
