From the course: SAP Business One: Production and Logistics

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Adding goods to inventory

Adding goods to inventory

- [Instructor] Some workflows start with quotes, like we have here. Some start with purchase orders. If you have a quote, your next step will be a purchase order. So let's move from a finished quote to a purchase order. We'll be using the LeMon for this quote because we've already decided that we've eliminated the middleman and they're going to be definitely the least expensive. So I'm going to go ahead and hit dock number 16 here. And you're going to do the purchase quotation. Now you'll notice it's blank. This is due to the fact it's a supposedly in agreed on price. It's not going to follow the catalog exactly. So it's not going to be to your direct price list. So we may actually have a quoted date here of when they expect delivery, if you wanted to put that in there. We have the required number of quantity we have here, and the quoted quantity. And I'm going to put those in. So we'll put in a quoted quantity to…
