From the course: Security Tips: Browsing the Web

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How web browsing works

How web browsing works

- [Instructor] When we browse the web in order to get from the address we type to a point where we can interact with the webpage that we want, we're really using many layers of technology and many different systems. We don't see everything that goes on behind the scenes to show us our webpages, so we often forget or we're not aware of how the whole process actually works. And that means there's many points where our security could be at risk. To get started, let's take a brief look at how the process of requesting and viewing a website works, we'll explore these components in more depth later on. When we browse the web, we use an application called a web browser, a piece of software designed to take our requests and return websites to us. We tell the browser which site we want to visit by providing a website address, which we usually type into the browser's address bar. Though we can also open new sites in the…
