From the course: Security Tips: Browsing the Web

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Understanding browser extensions

Understanding browser extensions

- [Scott] Browser extensions are programs we can install directly into the web browser that extend the browsers capabilities with new, useful features. Extensions can check spelling and grammar, find better prices for products you're looking at, store and retrieve your passwords and login information, customize the appearance of sites you visit, and more. These browser extensions work because they're able to read the same data you can. They have access to whatever webpage you're using so they can read whatever information the page shows and whatever information you put into the page. Some extensions are scoped to only operate on specific sites, but many of them, by necessity, work on all sites. Because extensions have access to the pages we're using, they have a lot of access to your information and data about your habits and behavior. Let's take a look at how to work with extensions here in this browser. I'm using…
