From the course: Security Tips

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Cache and cookies

Cache and cookies

- [Instructor] As we browse the web, our web browser builds up a series of files and little pieces of information that are intended to make the browsing experience smoother, faster, and easier. Generally speaking, these are called cache and cookies. The cache stores information that sites use to display pages; things like images, scripts, and other files that it makes sense to send once and then store on your computer in case they're needed again. There's no reason, for example, for a website to send its logo the first time you look at a page and then send it again for every page that you browse to that has the same logo. The logo is loaded from cache every time a site asks to display it. This makes for a faster browsing experience because the file is coming from your computer instead of from the web, and it also saves on bandwidth, for both the client and the site host. Even fairly simple web pages are made up of many many files, and though they're usually small, repeatedly…
