From the course: Security Tips

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Mobile device security

Mobile device security

From the course: Security Tips

Mobile device security

- [Narrator] Our mobile devices are often our second brains. They contain a huge amount of personal information, from contacts and calls to notes, emails, photos, and documents, to account credentials and passwords. For many people, a mobile device is often as much of a portal into their personal life as their wallet is, and in some cases even more so. Because of that, it's important to make sure that mobile devices are secured. In this episode, I want to share a few tips to be aware of, and then later I'll show you some of our courses that cover mobile security in more depth, so you can learn even more about the things I talk about briefly here. And about how to secure your particular device. Probably the most important and easiest way to secure your device is to set a passcode or password on it to help keep unauthorized people from using the device. That passcode should be, at minimum, about six numbers, but a stronger password is better. The password should be memorable, but not…
