From the course: Security Tips

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What to do if your information is compromised

What to do if your information is compromised

From the course: Security Tips

What to do if your information is compromised

- [Instructor] Leaks of personal information can happen to anyone, and for most of us, it's beyond our control. Leaks take many forms, but by far the most common is the kind where an organization that stores your personal information is compromised. Wide-scale compromises of personal information happen almost constantly. We usually only hear about the big ones, where millions of people's sensitive information is accessed without authorization, but you don't have to be part of a huge, newsworthy data breach in order to be affected. All kinds of organizations store all kinds of information about all kinds of people, from credit rating agencies and banks that store some of your most personal information to social networks, where people voluntarily upload information, all the way to interest communities and online retailers and political organizations. While we hope that all of these organizations use best practices and secure data the right way, not all of them do and vulnerable…
