From the course: Setting Up Your Podcast for Long-Term Success

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- [Narrator] Now in an earlier video, we covered my tips for getting the best recording and my processes look very similar to those tips. For solo shows I usually end up editing it myself, so I'll record and edit in Descript. For interviews, I use I have a single studio for each show and the settings are really dialed in. For how I built it, I don't record video, but I have it on so I can see my guest. I also insist on everyone using headphones to prevent echo. This is a look inside the studio for how I built it. You could see that we have the separate track recordings. If a video was recorded, we'd be able to see the actual video and we can also get the transcript and create clips or combine the audio right inside of Riverside. I also take a backup recording. I use GarageBand to record a backup of both my isolated audio and the computer audio, so that I have two separate tracks. Typically, I haven't had to…
