From the course: Setting Up Your Podcast for Long-Term Success

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The pre-interview

The pre-interview

- [Narrator] If your show is primarily interviews, then you need to make sure you're doing good interviews. One bad one won't spoil the whole batch, but a series of bad interviews is bad for everyone. You don't want to go into interviews cold. I used to do this because I wanted to be surprised along with my listeners, but that didn't always make for a great conversation, because I wasn't guiding it towards actionable advice for the listeners. So how do we make sure we're doing good interviews? Well, we want to know a little bit about our guests so we can guide the conversation. We want to make sure our guests are prepared, and we want to make sure our guests are comfortable. Research and guest notes will get us two-thirds of the way there. The pre-interview is the last piece of the puzzle, and this is a conversation with the guest done any time before the recorded interview, that allows for you and your guest to get to know…
