From the course: SharePoint for Enterprise: Data Management

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People store spreadsheets rather than using lists

People store spreadsheets rather than using lists - SharePoint Tutorial

From the course: SharePoint for Enterprise: Data Management

People store spreadsheets rather than using lists

- [Instructor] I talked a little bit earlier in the course about how you could improve Excel spreadsheets by applying metadata collection principles and data tables. Now I'm not going to knock Excel in general, it can be a tremendously useful tool. However, in many cases, I think it may not be the right tool, especially if you've got a SharePoint site handy. It's very typical to see Excel spreadsheets stored in file libraries. My take on that is that it's not the most effective way of recording and using the type of information that many spreadsheets contain. My recommendation is to use a list in SharePoint instead. Lists are a collection of information organized into columns and rows, just like a spreadsheet, but using lists in SharePoint gives you the ability to use your data in some pretty cool ways. It also makes it a simple task for your users to keep that information up-to-date. Now I'm going to get deeper into lists…
