From the course: Siemens NX: Design for Injection Molding
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Creating the bosses - Siemens NX Tutorial
From the course: Siemens NX: Design for Injection Molding
Creating the bosses
- [Instructor] Now that I have all of my appropriate geometry to create my bosses, I'm going to go in and create a couple of sketches for the bosses. So for this, let me bring this over here. I'm going to stay on plane. Select my plane. Hit okay, I'm going to draw a circle and double click on that dimension. This is going to be 12, and finish my sketch. I'm going to do the same thing, go to Sketch, up here, select okay. Draw on my circle. Center, now instead of putting in a dimension, with this, I can come over here and pick the arc of the sketch, and pick this arc, and simply do an equal radius. That way I don't have to have multiple dimensions or anything like that. It knows that if I change the original, the secondary one is going to change. And we'll say finish. Now I'm just going to go in and do a couple of extrusions. So I'll just go to Extrude. What's my profile? Now that I have my profile selected, I can reverse the direction vector. I can enter in a value. If you want to…
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Creating the B side4m 39s
Part thickness: Shell method2m 10s
Part thickness: Core cavity design2m 56s
Interfaces4m 22s
Setup for bosses and ribs3m 38s
Creating the bosses3m 9s
Boss removal4m 25s
Creating the ribs4m 46s
A-side cleanup3m 7s