From the course: Siemens NX: Design for Injection Molding

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Parting surface

Parting surface

- [Instructor] Now that I have my die line, the next critical input that I need is my parting surface. This is where the two halves of the tool come apart at. So the parting surface basically defines the split between the core and the cavity. And it's very important that this is in the right spot. Otherwise, you could end up with really weird parting edges and things could take a turn for the ugly if you're not cautious about the parting line. Now again, you may get this from styling, you may get this from an engineering group, or a tooling group, as well. So you may have to talk to other people for that input. Here, we're going to make our own based off of our initial slab. So there's a couple ways you can go about doing this. One way would be to go into, if I go into surface here, and I could do an extend sheet, pick the edge and extend this out. And if I want to, let me change my selection intent here, we'll say tangent curves, deselect and reselect everything. Once I have this…
