From the course: Singing Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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Core strength: Glute bridges

Core strength: Glute bridges

- These are called glute bridges, 'cause they really focus on your glute muscles. This is a very easy way to workout your glute major muscle group and core strength at the same time. And the stability ball really helps protect your back. You basically balance on the ball with your lower back nice and supported by the ball, and kind of in the same position as doing the crunches where your upper legs are parallel to the ground, and hands behind your head, neck and shoulders very relaxed, shoulder blades descending, pulled down your back down your spine. And you're going to do very easy, simple squats where you're rolling back and forth on the ball, dropping down as low as you can. You'll feel little bit of burn in your thighs. And in your glutes. You can do 20 of these to start with. They're very gentle. (breathes deeply) And all the while, you're building core strength 'cause you're balancing and maintaining your position on this wobbly ball surface. Those are glute bridges.
