From the course: Singing Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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Core strength: The stability ball and crunches

Core strength: The stability ball and crunches

From the course: Singing Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

Core strength: The stability ball and crunches

- For most of the core strength work that I do, I like to use a stability ball. It's not necessary, but I highly recommend it. It helps alleviate stress on your neck. You can do, obviously, crunches and core work without a stability ball, you just have to be very careful that you are in a posture that doesn't stress your neck and your lower back. So, I always use a stability ball 'cause then, I know that I'm protecting my neck and my lower back. It makes it very easy. It's a little tough to travel with. (laughs) So, there's that disadvantage, but anytime I'm home and I have the opportunity, I'm on my stability ball, but you can adapt all of these core strength exercises to just lying on the floor, or at the edge of a bed, or in a sitting position on a chair. So, you can adapt them all, but I recommend getting a stability ball. The first exercise we're going to do is just simple crunches. If you lay back on the stability ball and just open up your chest first, it feels great. Just to…
