From the course: SketchUp: Shadow Studies

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Calculating and drawing solar azimuths

Calculating and drawing solar azimuths - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp: Shadow Studies

Calculating and drawing solar azimuths

- [Instructor] Now that we have the project geo-located, we have access to its latitude and longitude coordinates, here in the model info dialog. I'd like to highlight the latitude coordinate, by dragging over the value, and then press command C on the Mac, or control C on Windows to copy that value to the clipboard browser. Let's go over to a browser, and open up the NOAA Sun Calculator. NOAA stands for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the United States. And I like this calculator, because it works anywhere in the world, and it gives us very accurate azimuth values. So, what we want to do here is highlight the latitude, and paste, command V, or control V on Windows, and then press the tab key to go to the next field. I'll switch back to SketchUp, and highlight the longitude. Note that the longitude and latitude are given with the North, South, East, West convention. So, I'll copy that value, go back here, and in this calculator, it doesn't use that, it uses…
