From the course: SketchUp: Shadow Studies

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Determining urban site based on shadows

Determining urban site based on shadows - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp: Shadow Studies

Determining urban site based on shadows

- [Narrator] I'd like to evaluate these four different blue sites where we might potentially locate a cafe. So if I come over here and zoom in on this particular site and if I go to summer morning, the camera moves back to the other pair of locations, and that's not what I want to happen. So to fix this, what I'm going to do is uncheck camera location and then update the summer morning scene. That will strip away that information from the scene. I'll go to summer afternoon, uncheck camera location, and update. Do that for each of the scenes to remove that piece of information from what is actually stored in the scene. Be aware, though, that the shadow settings are part of each scene. So this will allow me to move the camera to a new location and then toggle the scenes and just see the shadows changing. So in the summer morning, this site has a little bit better solar exposure. It's in shadow over here. By the time we have late afternoon in the summer, there's very little sunlight over…
