From the course: SketchUp: Shadow Studies

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Integrating solar tool and massing model

Integrating solar tool and massing model - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp: Shadow Studies

Integrating solar tool and massing model

- [Instructor] Now it's time to bring the solar tool that we developed earlier into the massing model and the chosen project site. Let's begin by measuring this tool. I'll go to the Tools menu and choose Tape Measure. I'll measure the diameter of this circle, and you can see that it's 2,000 feet. Recall that we set that when we were designing this against the background of the satellite image of the entire town, so this is going to be far too large. We need to scale it down. A quick way of doing that is to use the Tape Measure inside the group as opposed to using the scale tool. I'll double click on the group to open it, and then go back to the Tape Measure, and measure that same distance. I'll click this endpoint and then this endpoint, and I'll type in 20 feet, Enter. After typing that, I'm prompted. Do you want to resize the active group or component? Yes, that's what I want to do. It got a lot smaller and I have to zoom in now to see it. I'll press the Spacebar to go into Select…
