From the course: Small Language Models and LlamaFile

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Demo: Lava llamafile

Demo: Lava llamafile

- [Instructor] LLaVA is a great example of a small language model that has a very specific purpose. In this case, you can see the paper that talks about the large language and vision assistant. So it really depends on how you define things, whether it's a small model or a large model, but it's a smaller than normal model because it's been optimized for doing multi-modal vision in coding. So if we take a look at this, we can see that you can have a assistant here that really is able to give you what is happening inside of an image. Let's go ahead and take a look at how this would work by using a tool called llamafile. So llamafile packages up in a single binary, the large language model. So if we take a look here, you can see that these llamafiles include TinyLlama, Rocket, Phi, LLaVA, little bit bigger here. We can even call it a medium sized model instead of a small model. But basically it's not a 30 gig model. And one of the reasons why it's so specialized is that it's been…
