From the course: Small Language Models and LlamaFile

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Getting started with a llamafile

Getting started with a llamafile - Llama Tutorial

From the course: Small Language Models and LlamaFile

Getting started with a llamafile

- [Narrator] Here we have the Llamafile project from Mozilla, probably the easiest possible way to run a local large language model. Many people are interested in running large language models locally because of the privacy aspects and also it's free, right? If you are able to use your own machine, you can dive right into the Llamafile here. So let's go ahead and take a look at the structure of this project first. So you can see that Llamafile lets you distribute and run LLMs with a single file. And what's really fascinating about this is because they use this library, Cosmopolitan Libc, it is able to collapse everything into a single file, executable here called Llamafile. And it's actually, even though it's called Llamafile, it actually is not really tied to any particular large language model. There's a example here, where you could download LLaVA, which is able to do reading of images, which is a pretty cool project if you want to play around with that. The one that I think is one…
