From the course: Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

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Lean principles

Lean principles

- [Instructor] Lean software development is a collection of principles centered on maximizing efficiencies and minimizing waste. Let's dig deeper into the core principles of lean. Let's continue to review lean principles as applicable to software development. Eliminate waste. Lean thinking teaches to think us from the perspective of value addition for the customer. Any process or work that does not add value is waste. Firstly, we need to understand what is value to our customer. Secondly, when we produce software features, we need to produce that value. Nothing more, nothing less. Adding more software features that the customer has not asked for is called gold plating and is a waste. We need to understand implicit requirements but that is something that should be learned with the help of continuous feedback from the customer. Unnecessary processes or switching between tasks, also called context switching, are other…
